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# Welcome!

This is my blog, my thoughts, my Digital Garden.

Everything I am interested in studying would be listed here if you’re curious about it, the search bar above is also useful to find certain pages.

Pretty much all the pages you could find here are considered as work in progress, or Evergreen Notes, they represent my current level of interests and understanding on the topic, they are by no means the complete thoughts, but if you see anything you are particularly interested in and would like to read more, please drop a message through any of the social links from my main website, I would try to work more on those.

If a page reaches a level of maturity, it would be selected and included in my newsletter, together with other related info and insider news, and sent to our email newsletter subscribers. There you can comment and chat about the content, and potentially make some new friends.

You can find the subscribe link at the bottom of a page.


Join my Discord chatroom : Chuang Rambles

# Just Planted

I just turned 32, here’s what I think of Turning 32.

# Main Focus

On the professional side of things, I use Unreal Engine for game design and Houdini for visual effects. Sometimes I use a bit of Coding to help with my art creation workflow and other areas in life.

I am a big fan of Productivity and Creativity in general, but I have a few favourite areas I would go deeper into in the future.

Thoughts about Trading and some other Random Thoughts.

# Other Interests

Well, these are mostly the rabbit holes I find myself digging into from time to time.

Being a foodie, I spend most of my outdoor time eating in restaurants, here are some restaurants I recommend in London.

If you’re curious what I am doing these days, check out Personal Updates.

Finally, everything I know could be found here.

Join my newsletter to get hidden gems, content updates, and inside circle news.

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